MiniTesting > Tech > Occupational safety and health

Occupational safety and health

Test created at: 2020-12-01 by Arijit; number of questions: 18.
If you are not ready, you could first read the literature (, new window) and do the test later.

Average score for this test is: 78% calculated only from first attempts (38 pcs.), last one was: 2022-12-14.

Q1: International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have shared a common definition of occupational health

Good answeres: 1

Q2: Since the year 2003, 28th of April have been assigned by ILO to celebrate World Day for Safety and Health. The main aim is

Good answeres: 1

Q3: Workplace hazarads includes Psychosocial hazards

Good answeres: 1

Q4: Occupational safety and health (OSH) includes musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) or an acute back or joint injury

Good answeres: 1

Q5: The main focus in occupational health is on the following three different objectives except

Good answeres: 1

Q6: In protection against biological, chemical and physical work place hazards, one of the following can be used

Good answeres: 1

Q7: Healthcare workers are NOT likely to be exposed to one of the following risk factors that can adversely affect their health and well-being changing shifts

Good answeres: 1

Q8: Exposure to ionising radiation, explosions, thermal stress, respiratory health (black lungs) among others are common occupational hazards related to:

Good answeres: 1

Q9: The risk assessment task should include the following except

Good answeres: 1

Q10: Among the pros and cons of New technologies like Augmented reality and virtual intelligence includes all of the following except

Good answeres: 1

Q11: Occupational health disparities refer to differences in occupational injuries and illnesses and are closely linked with

Good answeres: 1

Q12: Calculation of risk factor based on probability of harm and the severity of consequences is refered to as:

Good answeres: 1

Q13: In Europe the main required tasks of an occupational health and safety practitioner include the following

Good answeres: 1

Q14: Combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and the severity is termed as

Good answeres: 1

Q15: Inclusion of cognitive behavioral therapy to primary care and and care management program can be effective in managing the following hazard

Good answeres: 1

Q16: Flamable material is represented by

Image author: Arijt N.

Good answeres: 1

Q17: Hot surface is represented by

Image author: Arijt N.

Good answeres: 1

Q18: Biohazards is represented by

Image author: Arijt N.

Good answeres: 1

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