MiniTesting > Geography > Global warming

Global warming

Test created at: 2019-03-25 by Niki G.; number of questions: 15.
If you are not ready, you could first read the literature (, new window) and do the test later.

Average score for this test is: 53.7% calculated only from first attempts (3 pcs.), last one was: 2021-08-04.

Q1: What is the GAW?

Good answeres: 1

Q2: When were the 11 most hottest years ever recorded?

Good answeres: 1

Q3: how many percent of the total energy is consumed by the households in the EU?

Good answeres: 1

Q4: how many percent of the total CO2 is came from the households in the EU?

Good answeres: 1

Q5: how much trash is produced by one person per day in the EU?

Good answeres: 1

Q6: Which is responsible for the global warming?

Good answeres: 2

Q7: what was the amount of the rise of global degree in the last 100 years?

Good answeres: 1

Q8: Where was the first climate change conference organised by UN in 1992?

Good answeres: 1

Q9: Which is not affecte directly by the climate change?

Good answeres: 1

Q10: Which countrie cause the most pollution?

Good answeres: 1

Q11: Which has uppermost direct greenhouse gas emission?

Good answeres: 1

Q12: What is the main cause of ozone depletion and the ozone hole?

Good answeres: 1

Q13: What are the technologies That Can Save the Environment?

Good answeres: 4

Q14: How much % of the original rainforests were cut down yet?

Good answeres: 1

Q15: Which country was not represented in the Paris Agreement?

Good answeres: 1

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