MiniTesting > Biology > Dinosaur Extinction

Dinosaur Extinction

Test created at: 2019-01-12 by Niki G.; number of questions: 12.
If you are not ready, you could first read the Learn page and do the test later.

Average score for this test is: 44% calculated only from first attempts (2 pcs.), last one was: 2019-04-29.

Q1: When did dinosaurs go extinct?

Good answeres: 1

Q2: How do we call that extinction?

Good answeres: 1

Q3: What was the main cause?

Good answeres: 3

Q4: What species did mainly go extinct?

Good answeres: 3

Q5: What percentage of species did remain?

Good answeres: 1

Q6: How many great extinctions happened during the existnce of dinosaurs?

Good answeres: 1

Q7: What species did remain?

Good answeres: 2

Q8: How can we tell how they went extinct?

Good answeres: 2

Q9: What is the evidence for the meteor impact?

Good answeres: 1

Q10: Where is that evidence?

Good answeres: 1

Q11: Why did large amounts of large reptile species go extinct?

Good answeres: 1

Q12: In what era did dinosaurs live in?

Good answeres: 3

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