MiniTesting > Biology > Cell


Test created at: 2018-12-21 by Nikoleta; number of questions: 15. Last time modified: 2018-12-23.
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Average score for this test is: 41.5% calculated only from first attempts (2 pcs.), last one was: 2022-02-14.

Q1: What does its origin word "cella" mean?

Good answeres: 1

Q2: Which language is it from?

Good answeres: 1

Q3: When was the cell theory developed?

Good answeres: 1

Q4: All living organisms are built from multiple cells.

Good answeres: 1

Q5: What are prokaryotes?

Good answeres: 2

Q6: Do prokaryotes have organelles?

Good answeres: 1

Q7: Which of the following cell types do animals have?

Good answeres: 1

Q8: Which cell type can bacterias be built of?

Good answeres: 1

Q9: Which cell type contains genetic material?

Good answeres: 1

Q10: Which cell type are plants built of?

Good answeres: 1

Q11: Which cell type can living organisms be built of?

Good answeres: 1

Q12: Which organism's cells can have cell walls?

Good answeres: 2

Q13: What size range are they in?

Good answeres: 1

Q14: What is plant cell wall built of?

Good answeres: 1

Q15: What is fungal cell wall built of?

Good answeres: 1

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